Stella Maris High School, Garki, Abuja (Day school), is a very successful and flourishing co-educational private secondary school in the heart of Abuja. It has over 450 students. We are academically selective and highly so, with everyone being above the average From the very first moment a child enters the school, they will benefit from an excellent academic education supported by highly qualified and experienced specialist staff and a large range of musical, creative, sporting and artistic opportunities which are essential for children’s all-round education and development. The care and welfare of the students is of paramount importance and we make every effort to ensure that each student feels secure and happy. Our ethos is founded on discipline and encouragement within a traditional framework. Stella Maris High School, Area 1, Garki, Abuja,was founded in September, 2006 and is the Day school to Stella Maris College, a boarding school in Life Camp, Abuja (one of the foremost schools in Nigeria, founded in September, 2001)
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Full Address:
No. 25 Abubakar Koko Avenue, Salihu Iliasu Street, Life Camp, Abuja, FCT , Nigeria
While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided here, we cannot offer an absolute guarantee regarding the completeness or correctness of these details. We strongly encourage all parent/student/visitor(s) to independently verify this information prior to making any decisions.
Tel : + (234) 808 3701-785
Business Hours : 8:00 - 16:00
About Us
Discovering the right school for your child is a journey that deserves personal attention and care. At Nigeria Private Schools, we understand the importance of this decision. That’s why we’ve created a platform that celebrates the uniqueness of each school and values, the trust placed in us by parents and educators Learn More