Supreme Crown School, 29/30 Sofidiya Street, ObaniJesu area, Ntabo bus stop, Ijoko-Ota in Ogun State was founded in 2009. It exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of students who are in a special and critical period of their lives as they change from childhood to adolescence. The school is approved by Ogun state government, WAEC and NECO. The Motto of the school is Knowledge, Morality and Godliness.
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Full Address:
28/30, Sofidiya Street, Unity Estate, Ntabo Bus Stop, Ijoko, Ota, Ogun , Nigeria
While we strive to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of the information provided here, we cannot offer an absolute guarantee regarding the completeness or correctness of these details. We strongly encourage all parent/student/visitor(s) to independently verify this information prior to making any decisions.
Tel : + (234) 808 3701-785
Business Hours : 8:00 - 16:00
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Discovering the right school for your child is a journey that deserves personal attention and care. At Nigeria Private Schools, we understand the importance of this decision. That’s why we’ve created a platform that celebrates the uniqueness of each school and values, the trust placed in us by parents and educators Learn More