About Nissi School
Nissi Academy was born out of a godly passion to positively impact this generation in the area of education. The name NISSI was derived from one of God’s name ‘Jehovah NISSI’ which means God our Victory.
The School commenced operation on the 7th day of January 2013 with five class rooms, one pupil, one teaching staff and one non-teaching staff. God in His infinite mercies has seen the school through thick and thin and today, the number of pupils, classrooms and teachers have tremendously increased to His glory.
The primary Vision of the school is to raise the best of professionals that can compete anywhere in the world. As promoters of this great vision, we are aware that the task before us is a herculean on that requires commitment and absolute dedication. This Vision poised the Management transfer the pupils from where the school initially commenced operation to a more befitting structure. Though we are not yet at our destination, the Management in-spite of scare resources still went ahead to ensure that pupils are kept in a neat environment.
NISSI Academy follows due process in hiring teaching staff, we are quite aware that the foundation of our pupils need to be on solid ground. We try as much as possible to go for the best. The Management has listening ears and feedback from parents are promptly processed to ensure the later get value for money invested.
The Core Values of the School are:
Dedication and
Success through Perseverance
Integrity demands honesty and fairness and this obviously are the pivot on which the wheel of success rotates. NISSI Academy raises God fearing children that are ready to say the truth whatever the cost may be. This is being achieved through the teaching of moral instructions.
Dedication connotes focus in life. Our children are trained to avoid distractions and learn to concentrate in order to achieve life goals by honouring God, respecting men without conceding intimidation.
Success through perseverance caps it all, it is a summation of integrity and dedication. Every child in NISSI Academy is trained to learn how to persevere by trusting in God, demonstrating Integrity and remaining dedicated to hard-work which remains the secret of success.