I-Flier International School,Ibadan
The idea of the school was conceived through divine revelation of three (3) powerful men of God in a separate Prayer meeting with Mrs. Babarimisa Deborah Folake-The Proprietress in the year 2007. To glorify the gift of God in these anointed men of GOD, they are Pastor Babarimisa Amos Taiwo, Pastor Aiyegbusi James and Pastor Olusola Clement Odunayo.
The school is built on sustained moral and academic excellence, a tenet of equality and openness to students of all social and ethnic backgrounds who are admitted, and a deep concern to support our students in developing their personal talents and interests and in learning to work with others. We nurture our students to become a responsible and respectful global citizen through traditional emphasis on courtesy, personal conduct and respect for others, with a modern interest in the latest educational research. Also, they are encouraged to enjoy challenge, aim high and prepare accordingly
Our staffs fear GOD.
The Teachers are professionals in their various fields and all the courses are practical in state-of-the-art facilities. They are all highly motivated and have a serious work ethic to deliver superior performance at all times. The School operates in a vibrant, serene and secured learning environment. The school’s motto is “nurturing high-flyers” – meaning we are resolute in our decision to develop students of great ability who are extreme in aim, ambition, etc., this is precisely the spirit in which i-flier students and staff work on a daily basis. We are more than happy for visitors to come to see the school in action.