Welcome to Chapel Secondary School
About Chapel Secondary School(Christ Our Cornerstone)
The down-turn of Educational, moral and spiritual standards motivated the members of the congregation of United Missionary Theological College Chapel Ilorin to discuss the possibility of starting a private Christian Secondary School in Ilorin.
This discussion was among the congregation for so many months that people outside the congregation thought that the school ought to have started. It is in recognition of the need to provide an avenue for imparting a Christian heritage to our children and ground them in sound virtues, thereby building on the foundation of Christian Education being imparted by the Chapel Nursery Primary School that UMTC Chapel decided to build a Christian Secondary School which will meet the need of our members in particular and the Christian population of our environment in general (Proverbs 22:6)..
Our logo is a pentagon looking up there are four prominent colours in the logo to depict:
1. Blue – the love of Christ for his church.
2. Red - the precious blood of Christ shed for us on calvary
3. Yellow – the spirit of the living god always abiding in his children.
4. Black – the spiritual nature of man.
Our VisionTo provide excellent Christian education both temporal and spiritual for responsible godly leadership in Nigeria and the world at large and To raise Christian students who have acquired wisdom, knowledge and Biblical world-view as evident by a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship and worship, Products of this school are to go forth and shine for the Lord wherever they may be planted.
Our MissionTo provide an avenue for imparting Christian heritage to the children, and provide excellent education - academic and spiritual for all students in order to bring back the glory of Christian Mission Schools notably in discipline, high academic standard and spiritual fulfilment for the sole purpose of raising God-fearing children for the Church, Nigeria and the world at large
At Chapel Secondary School, we believe that total development of a child's mental, spiritual and physical abilities for social adaptation is his/her due. Our students are encouraged to participate in social group activities that seek to develop their innate potential, making them better and more responsible citizens of the nation.